Red RocksFor adults, chiropractic treatments help to alleviate the symptoms associated with scoliosis, such as back aches, and the negative health effects.

If you or someone you know has questions about scoliosis, we are here to help. Dr. Butler has been treating patients with scoliosis (adults and children) since 1996. We have had great results in many cases with our treatments, and the reduction of the negative symptoms that come with the condition.

Chiropractic Scoliosis Treatment

The chiropractic treatment that Dr. Butler does for scoliosis can include exercises to strengthen the spine, and chiropractic adjustments. Chiropractic adjustments help to reduce muscular tension and improve spine function. Adjustments help restore normal motion to the joints in the spine. Exercises help strengthen the muscles of the spine. When Scoliosis is detected and adjusted regularly before a child stops growing, chiropractic care can greatly reduce the progression and has even been shown to reduce it in many, many cases.

What is Scoliosis?

When you are looking at someone’s back, the spine should be straight. When there is a curve to the left or right, (usually in the middle part of the back), that is a Scoliosis. Often this may not be easily visible by looking at a persons back. Having the person bend forward and reach for their toes, may help make it easier to see. Although if it is just beginning or it is slight, that may not show it either.

When and how does Scoliosis start?

Most commonly, scoliosis begins between ages 10-15 years, and can continue to get worse until the person stops growing, at around 20 years old or so. No one knows for sure what causes it to begin. Although there does seem to be a hereditary predisposition to a lateral curvature in the spine. This means that if someone in the close family, like, dad or mom, aunts or uncles, grandparents, had a curvature, there is an increased likelihood of occurrence.

What are the effects?

Most common noticeable effects are back aches or pain. Although there are many other effects that a scoliosis has on the person and their body. Since the spine contains the spinal cord and nervous system, any unequal pressure exerted on the nerves can cause other health issues that those nerves control. The symptoms sometimes can be subtle, like, allergies, stomach or gut problems, arm or shoulder problems, lung issues, and many other ailments. As the person gets older, they have a definite tendency to have more back aches and pain than someone that doesn’t have scoliosis.