Wellness Center

Wellness Center

transformative care

Experience the transformative care of Dr. Butler, a seasoned chiropractor with a passion for holistic wellness. With a legacy of assisting countless individuals across diverse age groups, Dr. Butler stands ready to guide you on your journey toward optimal health and vitality.

Harnessing a wealth of expertise acquired over decades of dedicated service, Dr. Butler is adept at addressing a myriad of health concerns, from alleviating discomfort to fostering overall well-being. His approach is rooted in a commitment to understanding each patient’s unique needs and crafting personalized treatment plans that prioritize long-term health outcomes.

Since earning his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Cleveland Chiropractic College in 1996, Dr. Butler has remained at the forefront of his field, continually refining his skills and integrating cutting-edge techniques into his practice. Whether you’re grappling with chronic pain, seeking to enhance your physical performance, or simply striving for a higher quality of life, Dr. Butler’s compassionate care and comprehensive approach can help you achieve your health goals.

Wellness Center

break free from pain

Meet Dr. Christopher Butler

At the age of 20, I found myself grappling with debilitating mid-back pain, a consequence of my rigorous triathlon training and demanding college workload. Seeking relief, I turned to chiropractic care, where I discovered not only alleviation from my immediate discomfort but also a newfound sense of purpose.

Under the guidance of my chiropractor, I learned that my pain was not merely a result of my active lifestyle and academic endeavors but also exacerbated by an underlying scoliosis. This pivotal moment ignited within me a desire to not only overcome my challenges but also to help others navigate their journey toward pain-free living and holistic wellness.

For over 23 years, I’ve dedicated myself to serving thousands of patients across all age groups, from newborns to centenarians, each seeking relief from a diverse array of ailments. Whether it’s optimizing sports performance, addressing repetitive stress injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome, facilitating recovery from car accidents, tackling lingering post-surgery challenges, or easing stress-related chronic backaches and neck pain, I’ve been privileged to guide my patients toward lasting solutions.

Many who have walked through my doors have shared similar sentiments: “I’ve seen countless doctors, but none could offer me the relief I found with you.” While I’m grateful for the opportunity to help them, I can’t help but wish they had come to me sooner, sparing them unnecessary suffering and frustration.

If you’re ready to break free from pain, reclaim your vitality, and embark on a path toward optimal health and wellness, don’t wait any longer. Join me this week and discover the transformative power of chiropractic care. Together, we’ll pave the way for a brighter, pain-free future.

chiropractic care

What Sets Us Apart

Experience the pinnacle of chiropractic care with our distinguished team of practitioners, renowned for their expertise and dedication to excellence. Comprising highly skilled and knowledgeable chiropractors, our team remains at the forefront of the field, continually updating our practices to incorporate the latest advancements in chiropractic care.

At our practice, we recognize that each individual is unique, with distinct needs and concerns. That’s why we go above and beyond to provide personalized care that is tailored to your specific requirements. Through attentive listening and a thorough understanding of your circumstances, we craft customized treatment plans designed to address your unique needs and optimize your health outcomes.

Central to our philosophy is the belief in treating the whole person, not just the symptoms they present. We understand that true wellness encompasses more than just temporary relief; it involves addressing the underlying issues contributing to your discomfort. By adopting a holistic approach to care, we delve deep to uncover these root causes, empowering you to achieve lasting wellness and vitality.

With our commitment to expertise, personalized care, and holistic principles, we offer more than just treatment — we offer a transformative journey toward optimal health and well-being. Join us and experience the difference firsthand as we guide you toward a life of greater vitality, comfort, and fulfillment.

Our Mission

At our practice, we’re dedicated to empowering our patients to embrace life to the fullest. Our mission is simple yet profound: to provide comprehensive chiropractic services that not only alleviate pain and discomfort but also address the underlying causes, paving the way for lasting relief and enhanced well-being.

Our commitment to holistic wellness extends beyond mere symptom management; we strive to identify and treat the root cause of our patients’ ailments. Through personalized treatment plans tailored to individual needs, we empower our patients to experience tangible improvements in their quality of life.

Schedule Your Appointment Today

To take the first step towards reclaiming your health and vitality, schedule an appointment with us today. Simply call us at 303‑741‑2444, and our friendly staff will be delighted to assist you in arranging a convenient time for your visit. Experience the transformative power of expert chiropractic care tailored to your individual needs. Your journey towards wellness begins with a single phone call. Contact us now to embark on the path towards a healthier, happier you.

Our Services

At our practice, we’re dedicated to your health and well-being, offering comprehensive care that addresses your unique needs and supports your journey toward optimal health and vitality. Experience the difference of expert chiropractic care with us today.

Our practice utilizes state-of-the-art chiropractic adjustment techniques to provide advanced spinal correction. With years of training and experience, Dr. Butler ensures that our adjustment methods are not only safer and more comfortable but also more effective than ever before.

Beyond adjustments, we offer personalized coaching to help you navigate activities that may aggravate your health challenges. Our goal is to empower you to lead a fulfilling and joyful lifestyle aligned with your preferences, fostering true health and wellness through collaboration between our professionals and you, our valued patients.

Experience relief from wrist pain, numbness, and other symptoms with our targeted carpal tunnel treatment. By addressing misalignments of the wrist bones, chiropractic care effectively reduces or eliminates carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms, restoring comfort and functionality to your daily activities.

We understand that chiropractic care is not limited to adults; it’s for children too. From newborns to teenagers, we’ve been providing specialized care for children since 1996. Our gentle treatments ensure that your child gets off to a great start in life, correcting misalignments caused by the birth process or childhood activities, and promoting healthy spine development.

Stay proactive about your health with our preventative care services. By keeping your spinal bones properly aligned, we reduce pressure on spinal nerves, supporting optimal body function and preventing future health issues and biomechanical problems.

Our screenings offer valuable insights into your health and well-being, helping identify potential issues and paving the way for improved health outcomes. Whether at malls, community events, health fairs, or workplaces, we’re committed to providing screenings that empower individuals to take control of their health.

Ensure your spine is in optimal condition with our thorough spinal examinations and corrective treatments. From identifying hidden health problems to addressing current complaints, our examinations lay the foundation for enhanced spine health and overall well-being.

If you’ve experienced whiplash due to a car accident, our specialized treatments offer safe, effective relief. With 17 years of expertise in whiplash treatment, we employ conservative chiropractic approaches to alleviate symptoms and promote recovery, even if they manifest years after the incident.